Why I'm Running For Roseville City Council

Roseville is a thriving community that I want to preserve while ensuring its future for all. I will work diligently to ensure residents’ concerns and ideas are heard. Working together as community is how we can continue making Roseville a wonderful place to live and work.

I feel very fortunate my wife, children and I call Roseville home. I'm eager to serve this community in new ways as a City Council member.

Matt Is Endorsed By

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Dan Roe Roseville Mayor
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Robin Schroeder Roseville Council member
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Jason Etten Roseville Council member
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Bob and Debby Willmus former Roseville Council member and wife

Recent News

Onto November 5th

Thank you to everyone for their support and vote in the successful MN primary. I'm truly humbled by it. Now it's onto the November election.

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