
Preserving what we love about Roseville while ensuring its future for all.


Early in Roseville's life it had the vision to make parks a key aspect of the community. This has resulted in our community being healthier, desirable and enjoyable. I want to continue this and to make sure all residents can enjoy them. I want to make sure the Parks and Recreation Department continues their wide range of programs while adjusting to interests of the community where necessary.

Strong Neighborhoods

Roseville has a good mix of housing options from apartment complexes to single family homes. As a member of the Planning Commission I know this diversity helps create a healthy community. To ensure strong neighborhoods within this community, it's important to have responsible zoning and development that maintains what makes neighborhoods desirable while addressing the housing needs of all.

Well Managed Budgets

It's necessary to keep investing in our community but doing so while keeping taxes reasonable. This means investments in our infrastructure are necessary and not just when they break. Beyond investments in city operations, I'll focus on our roads, parks, walkways and clean water.

Public Safety

Residents expect well funded, responsive and highly trained police and fire departments. These departments are continually ranked high by residents and one reason why is because these departments continue to innovate. One example is the development of a Community Action Team (CAT), which is made up of police officers, social workers, housing and mental health coordinators. I will continue supporting these departments with the funding and resources they need.

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