Meet Matt

I grew up in a small town where I learned the value of hard work and always helping your neighbor. My father was always active in the community be it a volunteer organization or working with elected officials on a matter. He's still a regular at town meetings.

I started down the same path in that same town. It first started as a volunteer for the ambulance service as soon as I was old enough. Later when I left for college I continued volunteering as an EMT for multiple fire departments. I also led multiple student clubs and worked on space and weather programs. I did study too.

Post college I worked in the technology sector and was soon drawn to the hard work of the tech startup world. I started a number of companies and have been part of the initial team at others. I know how to take an idea and execute on it by leading teams of just a few to many thousands.

It's not all work though. My wife of eighteen years and our three children see to that. Like my dad, you'll typically find me volunteering at their school, soccer club or rowing club. We also enjoy spending time in Roseville's parks, frequenting Roseville businesses and hanging out with the neighbors.

I'm currently a Commissioner on the Roseville Planning Commission. My oldest son is a Youth Commissioner on the Public Works, Environment and Transportation Commission.

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